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Processing Snail Slime for the Creation of Creams: A Treasure of Nature for the Skin

Snail slime is one of the most precious and appreciated ingredients in the world of cosmetics.

Not only for its natural properties, but also for the fascinating process by which it is transformed into a delicate beauty elixir for the skin. In this article, we will explore the process of processing snail slime to create creams and other beauty products, revealing its incredible properties and how it is extracted in an ethical and safe way.

What is Snail Slime? Snail slime is a natural secretion produced by snails, mainly as a protection and hydration mechanism for their body. This fluid is composed of a mixture of glycoproteins, glycolic acid, enzymes, hyaluronic acid and vitamins (A, C and E), all of which are useful for regenerating and nourishing the skin. In recent years, snail slime has become one of the main ingredients in many anti-aging creams and treatments thanks to its healing, hydrating and antioxidant properties. Its ability to stimulate collagen production and regenerate tissues make it perfect for the treatment of scars, wrinkles and acne marks.

The Snail Slime Collection Process The first step in creating snail slime creams is collecting the secretion. Contrary to popular belief, collecting snail slime is not painful to the animals. In a controlled and safe environment, the snails are placed on special surfaces that stimulate their secretion. They are then collected using methods that do not harm the animals, and the process is carried out with extreme care to avoid causing them stress. There are several techniques for extracting the slime, but most companies use methods that do not involve suffering the animals, such as using safe surfaces where the snails leave their slime naturally.

After collection, the slime is purified to eliminate impurities and ensure a high quality product.
Purification and treatment of slime Once collected, snail slime undergoes a purification process to ensure that it is safe and suitable for cosmetic use. The raw slime must be treated carefully to remove any bacteria or contaminants that could compromise the quality of the final product. Purification involves several stages, including filtering and heat treatment, which do not alter the natural properties of the slime.
Subsequently, snail slime is often enriched with other natural ingredients such as aloe vera, essential oils or vitamins to enhance its beneficial properties on the skin. At this point, the purified fluid can be used to formulate different types of cosmetic products, including moisturizers, serums, lotions and masks.

The Formulation of the Cream Creating a cream based on snail slime requires careful formulation. The slime is integrated into an emulsion of water and vegetable oils to create a soft cream that is easily absorbed by the skin. Natural preservatives are also added to ensure the stability of the product over time. The art of formulation is what allows you to obtain a product that not only takes advantage of the benefits of snail slime, but also the other
active ingredients that improve the texture and effectiveness of the cream. Depending on the type of skin for which the product is intended, specific ingredients can be added, such as hyaluronic acid for deep hydration or plant extracts for a soothing or purifying effect. In this way, each cream with snail slime can be customized to meet the needs of each skin type.

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